So this is a scientific illustration project I had to do. Apparently scientists are predicting in late december 2012 there is going to be a serious shift in the magnetic field of our planet. In turn, this could very possibly knock out the power to our entire nation for up to ten years, not even mentioning what economic, political, and social structures would be obliterated with lack of communication, electricity, and food sources in this ten year period. Utter....Fucking....Chaos....Though this depiction is quite tame, this is a very quiet night amidst ruins of what was once a great city. A lone figure holding a torch walks down a debris-cluttered street, staring into the stars that would never have been seen if the lights were on in this city. Think about it....Suddenly the world around you turns off....for hours, days, months, years. No notice, no forwarning, just blackness.
...What a wonderful experience!